Hyperscanning studies are increasingly essential for understanding complex social behaviors, including cooperation, competition, empathy, and communication. The Spectrum fNIRS system, with its modular design and customizable optode placement, can accommodate up to 48 sources and 32 detectors, allowing for detailed monitoring of brain oxygenation changes across larger groups of participants. This capability is particularly useful for studies that require full-head coverage or specific, region-focused setups, such as those investigating prefrontal cortex dynamics in decision-making tasks.
The Photon Cap offers an entry-level yet reliable hyperscanning option for smaller-scale studies. Its portable, lightweight design ensures that multiple participants can be monitored comfortably and with minimal setup time. This is particularly beneficial for studies that require mobility or naturalistic interactions, as Photon Cap’s design allows participants to move and engage freely, whether in a lab or a real-world environment.
Both Spectrum C23 and Photon Cap systems are equipped with motion artifact control and real-time data synchronization capabilities, critical features for maintaining data accuracy when studying interactive scenarios. The built-in accelerometer and gyroscope help reduce noise related to participant movement, ensuring data quality even in dynamic social settings. Additionally, Cortivision’s integration with LabStreaming Layer (LSL) provides seamless synchronization across devices, enabling researchers to capture precise, real-time interactions between participants.
Cortivision’s CortiView and CortiPrism software further enhance hyperscanning research. CortiView supports real-time monitoring, customizable montage setups and data acquisition, providing researchers with control and flexibility throughout the study. Meanwhile, CortiPrism allows for advanced analysis of hyperscanning data, including detailed visualizations, GLM-based modeling, and group-level comparisons. Together, these software tools ensure that researchers have the resources to transform raw hyperscanning data into actionable insights on social cognition and collective behaviors.
By leveraging Cortivision’s Spectrum and Photon Cap systems, researchers can conduct sophisticated hyperscanning studies that capture the nuances of social interactions in a range of environments. Our systems’ portability, precision, and compatibility with multimodal setups, such as EEG and VR, make them ideal for exploring the complex world of interpersonal neural dynamics, both in and outside the lab.