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fNIRS + Eye tracking

The future of neuroscience

Eye tracking and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) represent a new chapter of multimodal research. Integrating accurate and reliable measurement of eye movements and relative changes in hemoglobin concentration is opening up a range of mobile research scenarios.

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Explore the benefits of pairing the Cortivision fNIRS with the Tobii Pro Glasses 3

Portable and ultra-light glasses

provide reliable eye movement measurements with high-quality recording.

Perfectly prepared

for applications in Real Life Neuroscience paradigms.

Simple integration

and compatibility with fNIRS technology.

Seamless Usability

in a non-invasive, easy-to-set-up system that ensures smooth data collection, reducing participant discomfort and streamlining research workflows.

Infrared illuminators (x 8 per eye)
Illuminates the eyes to assist the eye-tracking sensors
Head unit cable
Connects to the recording unit to save collected data
High-definition scene camera
Captures a Full HD video of what is in front of the participant
Eye tracking cameras (x 2 per eye)
Records eye orientation and movements
Picks up sounds from the participant and their immediate surroundings
Cortivision and Tobii address the need for multimodal solutions and their measurement in non-stationary applications.

This multimodal approach delivers a more precise and comprehensive understanding of brain activity than relying on either method in isolation

Watch our fNIRS+Eye tracking integration live

Learn more about the study in this video.

If you want access to the best fNIRS + eye tracking technology, the Spectrum C23 and Tobii Pro Glasses 3 will meet your needs. Providing high-quality data to customers is the goal of our collaboration. Read our post about integration with the Tobii Glasses 3.

Precise synchronization with the Lab Streaming Layer protocol

Compatible to be used with:

More about our software:

fNIRS & Eye tracking integration is tailored to: